of Compass Points 18

The journal of the BCRA Cave Surveying Group, December 1997


The South Wales field meet.


AGM at BCRA conference
UK cave co-ordinates
Survey Software for Psions
UIS Working Group on Survey Symbols


Using Cyalume sticks for solo surveying - Jon Hollman

Surveying and the rôle of Geological Data -Dr. A.R. Farrant

With a little bit of knowledge, surveyors can record a great deal of useful geological information. This article describes what you need to know.

Cave Surveying Data Archiving - Andrew Atkinson

A proposal for a project to help preserve survey data for future generations of cavers.

CSG Constitution - Andrew Atkinson

Updates to the CSG constitution after the AGM.

Viewing Stereo Pairs - Larry Fish

How to view paper stereo survey pairs to get 3D images.

Hourly Variation of Magnetic Declination - Bob Thrun

Analysis of the Earth's magnetic field's daily variations