4th February 1995

Issued by:
East Northants Anti Bloodsports
Cambridge Anti Bloodsports

Land Rover Thwarts Massacre

A mere 2 days after a hunt supporter is cleared of ABH at Northampton Crown Court, the Woodland Pytchley Hunt, which numbers Richard Otley (sheep exporter) among it's members, seeks a repeat attack on heavily outnumbered hunt saboteurs near the village of Cranford, Northants.

Four hunt saboteurs, including a mother, in their Land Rover found their passage along a single-track road blocked to both front and rear by 40-50 hunt supporters and their vehicles in what was clearly an engineered situation.

As hunt supporters approached the vehicle shouting threats saboteurs took the only available exit into an adjoining field, pursued by hunt supporters and another 4-wheel drive vehicle.

The supporters tried to force their way into the Land Rover which also sustained damage from hurled missiles.

The saboteurs were shaken and have made statements to Northamptonshire Police who are investigating the incident with a view to bringing charges.

It would appear that, far from being cowed by their recent acquittal at the courts, the Woodland Pytchley Hunt have interpreted this as carte blanche to remove by any means all opposition to their activities.